import fs from "fs"; const REQUIRED_FIELDS = [ "byr", // (Birth Year) "iyr", // (Issue Year) "eyr", // (Expiration Year) "hgt", // (Height) "hcl", // (Hair Color) "ecl", // (Eye Color) "pid", // (Passport ID) // "cid", // (Country ID) // Optional ]; /** * Main function for Puzzle A * * @param {string} data - Puzzle input as a single string. */ async function main(data) { const entries = data.split(/(?:\r?\n){2}/).map((raw) => raw.split(/\s+/g)); /** @type {{[string]: number|string}[]} */ let passports = []; for (const raw of entries) { let passport = {}; raw .map((rawKV) => rawKV.split(":")) .forEach(([key, value]) => (passport[key] = value)); passports.push(passport); } /** @type {{[string]: number|string}[]} */ const valid_passports = []; for (const passport of passports) { if ( => Object.keys(passport).includes(required) ).reduce((prev, cur) => prev && cur, true) ) { valid_passports.push(passport); } } return valid_passports.length; } fs.readFile("input", (err, data) => { if (err) throw err; main(data.toString()).then(console.log).catch(console.error); });