use crate::CubeCounts; impl CubeCounts { const fn exceeds_limits(&self) -> bool { > 12 || > 13 || > 14 } } pub(crate) fn part_1(input: &'static str) -> usize { let id_sum = input .lines() .enumerate() .filter_map(|(game_id, line)| { let game_start_index = line.find(":").expect("Every line should have a ': '") + 2; let game = &line[game_start_index..]; let groups = game.split("; "); for group in groups { let color_counts = group.split(", "); let group_counts =|color_count| { let (count, color) = color_count .split_once(' ') .expect("Every color count should have one space"); let count = count .parse() .expect("Every color count should be a valid number"); match color { "red" => CubeCounts::red(count), "green" => CubeCounts::green(count), "blue" => CubeCounts::blue(count), _ => unreachable!(), } }); if group_counts.sum::().exceeds_limits() { return None; } } Some(game_id + 1) }) .sum(); id_sum } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { const SAMPLE_INPUT: &str = include_str!("sample_input.txt"); #[test] fn test_with_sample_solution() { assert_eq!(super::part_1(SAMPLE_INPUT), 8) } #[test] fn test_with_solution() { assert_eq!(super::part_1(crate::INPUT), 2449); } }