.TH somebar 1 somebar\-1.0 .SH NAME somebar \- dwm-like bar for dwl .SH SYNOPSIS .B somebar .RB [ \-h ] .RB [ \-v ] .RB [ \-s .IR path ] .RB [ \-c .IR command arguments... ] .SH DESCRIPTION somebar is a status bar for dwl, visually and functionally resembling the dwm bar. .SH USAGE You must start somebar using dwl's `-s` flag, e.g. `dwl -s somebar`. Somebar can be controlled by writing to $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/somebar-0, or the path defined by the `-s` argument. The following commands are supported: .TP .B status TEXT Updates the status bar .TP .B hide MONITOR Hides somebar on the specified monitor .TP .B show MONITOR Shows somebar on the specified monitor .TP .B toggle MONITOR Toggles somebar on the specified monitor .P MONITOR is an zxdg_output_v1 name, which can be determined e.g. using `weston-info`. Additionally, MONITOR can be `all` (all monitors) or `selected` (the monitor with focus). Commands can be sent either by writing to the file name above, or equivalently by calling somebar with the `-c` argument. For example: `somebar -c toggle all`. This is recommended for shell scripts, as there is no race-free way to write to a file only if it exists. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-h Displays a short help text and exits .TP .B \-v Displays version information and exits .TP .B \-s Sets the path to the somebar control FIFO. The default value is $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/somebar-0 .TP .B \-c Sends a command to the control FIFO. See the USAGE section. .SH BUGS Send bug reports to ~raphi/public-inbox@lists.sr.ht