pub(crate) mod components; #[cfg(feature = "render")] pub(crate) mod gui; pub(crate) mod macros; pub(crate) mod plugins; #[cfg(feature = "render")] pub(crate) mod resources; #[cfg(all(feature = "render", feature = "logging"))] use { bevy::diagnostic::{Diagnostics, FrameTimeDiagnosticsPlugin}, bevy_egui::egui::Frame, }; use { bevy::{ app::App, log::LogSettings, utils::{default, tracing::Level}, }, planet::WorldManager, plugins::WorldPlugins, }; #[cfg(feature = "render")] use { bevy::{ asset::Assets, core_pipeline::core_2d::{Camera2d, Camera2dBundle}, ecs::{ change_detection::{Mut, ResMut}, query::With, system::{Commands, IntoExclusiveSystem, Query, Res}, world::World, }, prelude::Vec2, render::{ camera::{Camera, RenderTarget}, render_resource::{ Extent3d, TextureDescriptor, TextureDimension, TextureFormat, TextureUsages, }, texture::{Image, ImageSettings}, }, sprite::{Sprite, SpriteBundle}, transform::components::GlobalTransform, window::{WindowDescriptor, Windows}, winit::WinitSettings, }, bevy_egui::{ egui::{FontData, FontDefinitions, FontFamily}, EguiContext, }, components::panning::Pan2d, gui::{render_windows, widget, widgets::ToolbarWidget}, resources::{CursorMapPosition, OpenedWindows}, }; #[cfg(all(feature = "render", feature = "globe_view"))] use { bevy::{ asset::Handle, core_pipeline::core_3d::Camera3dBundle, pbr::{PbrBundle, PointLight, PointLightBundle, StandardMaterial}, prelude::{Quat, Vec3}, render::camera::OrthographicProjection, render::mesh::{shape::UVSphere, Mesh}, time::Time, transform::components::Transform, }, std::f32::consts::FRAC_PI_2, }; #[cfg(feature = "render")] fn update_cursor_map_position( mut cursor_map_position: ResMut<'_, CursorMapPosition>, transform: Query<'_, '_, (&Camera, &GlobalTransform), With<Camera2d>>, windows: Res<'_, Windows>, world_manager: Res<'_, WorldManager>, ) { let (camera, transform) = transform.single(); let window = match { RenderTarget::Window(window_id) => windows.get(window_id).unwrap(), RenderTarget::Image(_) => windows.primary(), }; if let Some(screen_position) = window.cursor_position() { let window_size = Vec2::new(window.width(), window.height()); // GPU coordinates [-1..1] let ndc = (screen_position / window_size) * 2.0 - Vec2::ONE; // Matrix to reverse camera transform let ndc_to_world = transform.compute_matrix() * camera.projection_matrix().inverse(); let world_position = ndc_to_world.project_point3(ndc.extend(-1.0)).truncate() / WORLD_SCALE as f32; let world =; cursor_map_position.x = world.width as i32 / 2 + f32::ceil(world_position.x) as i32 - 1; cursor_map_position.y = world.height as i32 / 2 + f32::ceil(world_position.y) as i32 - 1; } } #[cfg(all(feature = "render", feature = "globe_view"))] const GLOBE_ROTATIONS_PER_SECOND: f32 = std::f32::consts::TAU / 15.0; #[cfg(all(feature = "render", feature = "globe_view"))] fn rotate_globe( mut globe_transform: Query<'_, '_, &mut Transform, With<Handle<Mesh>>>, time: Res<Time>, ) { globe_transform .single_mut() .rotate_y(GLOBE_ROTATIONS_PER_SECOND * time.delta_seconds()); } #[cfg(feature = "render")] fn generate_graphics( mut commands: Commands<'_, '_>, mut world_manager: ResMut<'_, WorldManager>, mut images: ResMut<'_, Assets<Image>>, mut egui_context: ResMut<'_, EguiContext>, #[cfg(feature = "globe_view")] mut materials: ResMut<'_, Assets<StandardMaterial>>, #[cfg(feature = "globe_view")] mut meshes: ResMut<'_, Assets<Mesh>>, ) { // Add Julia-Mono font to egui { let ctx = egui_context.ctx_mut(); let mut fonts = FontDefinitions::default(); const FONT_NAME: &str = "Julia-Mono"; _ = fonts.font_data.insert( FONT_NAME.to_owned(), FontData::from_static(include_bytes!("../assets/JuliaMono.ttf")), ); fonts .families .get_mut(&FontFamily::Monospace) .expect("Failed to get 'Monospace' FontFamily") .insert(0, FONT_NAME.to_owned()); fonts .families .get_mut(&FontFamily::Proportional) .expect("Failed to get 'Proportional' FontFamily") .push(FONT_NAME.to_owned()); ctx.set_fonts(fonts); } let world =; let custom_sprite_size = Vec2 { x: (WORLD_SCALE * world.width as i32) as f32, y: (WORLD_SCALE * world.height as i32) as f32, }; // Set up 2D map mode { let map_image_handle = images.add(Image { data: world_manager.map_color_bytes(), texture_descriptor: TextureDescriptor { label: None, size: Extent3d { width: world.width, height: world.height, ..default() }, dimension: TextureDimension::D2, format: TextureFormat::Rgba32Float, mip_level_count: 1, sample_count: 1, usage: TextureUsages::COPY_DST | TextureUsages::TEXTURE_BINDING, }, ..default() }); world_manager.map_image_handle_id = Some(; _ = commands .spawn_bundle(Camera2dBundle::default()) .insert(Pan2d::new()); // TODO: Switch to egui _ = commands.spawn_bundle(SpriteBundle { texture: images.get_handle(world_manager.map_image_handle_id.unwrap()), sprite: Sprite { custom_size: Some(custom_sprite_size), ..default() }, ..default() }); } #[cfg(feature = "globe_view")] { let world =; let globe_image_handle = images.add(Image { data: world_manager.globe_color_bytes(), texture_descriptor: TextureDescriptor { label: None, size: Extent3d { width: world.width, height: world.height, ..default() }, dimension: TextureDimension::D2, format: TextureFormat::Rgba32Float, mip_level_count: 1, sample_count: 1, usage: TextureUsages::COPY_DST | TextureUsages::TEXTURE_BINDING, }, ..default() }); world_manager.globe_image_handle_id = Some(; _ = commands.spawn_bundle(Camera3dBundle { camera: Camera { is_active: false, ..default() }, transform: Transform::from_xyz(0.0, 0.0, 8.0).looking_at(default(), Vec3::Y), projection: OrthographicProjection { scale: 0.01, ..default() } .into(), ..default() }); let globe_material_handle = materials.add( images .get_handle(world_manager.globe_image_handle_id.unwrap()) .into(), ); world_manager.globe_material_handle_id = Some(; // TODO: Globe texture is mirrored east-to-west. _ = commands.spawn_bundle(PbrBundle { mesh: meshes.add(Mesh::from(UVSphere { radius: 2.0, ..default() })), material: globe_material_handle, transform: Transform::from_rotation(Quat::from_rotation_x(FRAC_PI_2)), ..default() }); _ = commands.spawn_bundle(PointLightBundle { transform: Transform::from_xyz(-20.0, 0.0, 50.0), point_light: PointLight { intensity: 600000., range: 100., ..default() }, ..default() }); } } #[cfg(feature = "render")] fn update_gui(world: &mut World) { world.resource_scope(|world, mut ctx: Mut<'_, EguiContext>| { let ctx = ctx.ctx_mut(); #[cfg(feature = "logging")] { bevy_egui::egui::CentralPanel::default() .frame(Frame::none()) .show(ctx, |ui| { _ = ui.label(format!( "{:.0}", match world .resource::<Diagnostics>() .get_measurement(FrameTimeDiagnosticsPlugin::FPS) { None => f64::NAN, Some(fps) => fps.value, } )); }); } _ = bevy_egui::egui::TopBottomPanel::bottom("Toolbar") .resizable(false) .default_height(30.0) .show(ctx, |ui| { widget::<ToolbarWidget<'_, '_>>(world, ui, "Toolbar".into()); }); render_windows(world, ctx); }); } #[cfg(feature = "render")] const WORLD_SCALE: i32 = 4; fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> { let mut app = App::new(); let mut manager = WorldManager::new(); #[cfg(feature = "render")] { let world = manager.new_world()?; _ = app .insert_resource(WinitSettings::game()) // Use nearest-neighbor rendering for cripsier pixels .insert_resource(ImageSettings::default_nearest()) .insert_resource(WindowDescriptor { width: (WORLD_SCALE * world.width as i32) as f32, height: (WORLD_SCALE * world.height as i32) as f32, title: String::from("World-RS"), resizable: true, ..default() }) .insert_resource(CursorMapPosition::default()) .insert_resource(OpenedWindows::default()) .add_startup_system(generate_graphics) .add_system(update_gui.exclusive_system()) .add_system(update_cursor_map_position); #[cfg(all(feature = "render", feature = "globe_view"))] { _ = app.add_system(rotate_globe); } } #[cfg(not(feature = "render"))] { _ = manager.new_world()? } _ = app.insert_resource(LogSettings { #[cfg(feature = "logging")] level: Level::DEBUG, #[cfg(not(feature = "logging"))] level: Level::WARN, ..default() }); app.add_plugins(WorldPlugins).insert_resource(manager).run(); Ok(()) }