Save encoding (maybe compression, remains to be seen for bigger saves)

This commit is contained in:
Tobias Berger 2021-09-30 21:17:01 +02:00
parent 61b4f4b06d
commit 921e74fb88
4 changed files with 466 additions and 7 deletions

src/global.d.ts vendored
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@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
/// <reference types="svelte" />
import type { LZString } from "./shark/LZString";
import type { SharkGame } from "./shark/SharkGame";
declare global {
interface Window {
SharkGame: SharkGame;
LZString: LZString;

src/shark/LZString.ts Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
import { StaticClass } from "./StaticClass";
export class LZString extends StaticClass {
static readonly #KeyStrBase64 =
static readonly #KeyStrBase64Dict = LZString.#createBaseDict(
static #createBaseDict(alphabet: string): Record<string, number> {
const dict: Record<string, number> = {};
for (let i = 0; i < alphabet.length; i++) {
dict[alphabet[i]] = i;
return dict;
static compressToBase64(input: string): string {
const result = LZString.#compress(input, 6, (a) =>
return result + "=".repeat((4 - (result.length % 4)) % 4);
static decompressFromBase64(input: string | null): string | null {
if (input === null || input === "") return null;
return LZString.#decompress(
(index) => LZString.#KeyStrBase64Dict[input.charAt(index)]
static compress(uncompressed: string): string {
return LZString.#compress(uncompressed);
static #compress(uncompressed: string): string;
static #compress(
uncompressed: string,
bitsPerChar: number,
getCharFromInt: (index: number) => string
): string;
static #compress(
uncompressed: string,
bitsPerChar = 16,
getCharFromNumber = (code: number) => String.fromCharCode(code)
): string {
const contextDictionary: Record<string, number> = {};
const contextDictionaryToCreate: Record<string, boolean> = {};
let contextDictSize = 3;
let contextW = "";
let contextEnlargeIn = 2; // Compensate for the first entry which should not count
let contextNumBits = 2;
let contextData = "";
let contextDataVal = 0;
let contextDataPosition = 0;
let value: number;
for (const contextC of uncompressed) {
if (!Object.keys(contextDictionary).includes(contextC)) {
contextDictionary[contextC] = contextDictSize++;
contextDictionaryToCreate[contextC] = true;
const contextWC = contextW + contextC;
if (Object.keys(contextDictionary).includes(contextWC)) {
contextW = contextWC;
} else {
if (Object.keys(contextDictionaryToCreate).includes(contextW)) {
if (contextW.charCodeAt(0) < 256) {
for (let i = 0; i < contextNumBits; i++) {
contextDataVal <<= 1;
if (contextDataPosition === bitsPerChar - 1) {
contextDataPosition = 0;
contextData += getCharFromNumber(contextDataVal);
contextDataVal = 0;
} else {
value = contextW.charCodeAt(0);
for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
contextDataVal = (contextDataVal << 1) | (value & 1);
if (contextDataPosition === bitsPerChar - 1) {
contextDataPosition = 0;
contextData += getCharFromNumber(contextDataVal);
contextDataVal = 0;
} else {
value >>= 1;
} else {
value = 1;
for (let i = 0; i < contextNumBits; i++) {
contextDataVal = (contextDataVal << 1) | value;
if (contextDataPosition === bitsPerChar - 1) {
contextDataPosition = 0;
contextData += getCharFromNumber(contextDataVal);
contextDataVal = 0;
} else {
value = 0;
value = contextW.charCodeAt(0);
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
contextDataVal = (contextDataVal << 1) | (value & 1);
if (contextDataPosition === bitsPerChar - 1) {
contextDataPosition = 0;
contextData += getCharFromNumber(contextDataVal);
contextDataVal = 0;
} else {
value >>= 1;
if (contextEnlargeIn === 0) {
contextEnlargeIn = 2 ** contextNumBits;
delete contextDictionaryToCreate[contextW];
} else {
value = contextDictionary[contextW];
for (let i = 0; i < contextNumBits; i++) {
contextDataVal = (contextDataVal << 1) | (value & 1);
if (contextDataPosition === bitsPerChar - 1) {
contextDataPosition = 0;
contextData += getCharFromNumber(contextDataVal);
contextDataVal = 0;
} else {
value >>= 1;
if (contextEnlargeIn === 0) {
contextEnlargeIn = 2 ** contextNumBits;
contextDictionary[contextWC] = contextDictSize++;
contextW = contextC;
if (contextW !== "") {
if (Object.keys(contextDictionaryToCreate).includes(contextW)) {
if (contextW.charCodeAt(0) < 256) {
for (let i = 0; i < contextNumBits; i++) {
contextDataVal = contextDataVal << 1;
if (contextDataPosition === bitsPerChar - 1) {
contextDataPosition = 0;
contextData += getCharFromNumber(contextDataVal);
contextDataVal = 0;
} else {
value = contextW.charCodeAt(0);
for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
contextDataVal = (contextDataVal << 1) | (value & 1);
if (contextDataPosition === bitsPerChar - 1) {
contextDataPosition = 0;
contextData += getCharFromNumber(contextDataVal);
contextDataVal = 0;
} else {
value >>= 1;
} else {
value = 1;
for (let i = 0; i < contextNumBits; i++) {
contextDataVal = (contextDataVal << 1) | value;
if (contextDataPosition === bitsPerChar - 1) {
contextDataPosition = 0;
contextData += getCharFromNumber(contextDataVal);
contextDataVal = 0;
} else {
value = 0;
value = contextW.charCodeAt(0);
for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
contextDataVal = (contextDataVal << 1) | (value & 1);
if (contextDataPosition === bitsPerChar - 1) {
contextDataPosition = 0;
contextData += getCharFromNumber(contextDataVal);
contextDataVal = 0;
} else {
value >>= 1;
if (contextEnlargeIn === 0) {
contextEnlargeIn = 2 ** contextNumBits;
delete contextDictionaryToCreate[contextW];
} else {
value = contextDictionary[contextW];
for (let i = 0; i < contextNumBits; i++) {
contextDataVal = (contextDataVal << 1) | (value & 1);
if (contextDataPosition === bitsPerChar - 1) {
contextDataPosition = 0;
contextData += getCharFromNumber(contextDataVal);
contextDataVal = 0;
} else {
value >>= 1;
if (contextEnlargeIn === 0) {
value = 2;
for (let i = 0; i < contextNumBits; i++) {
contextDataVal = (contextDataVal << 1) | (value & 1);
if (contextDataPosition === bitsPerChar - 1) {
contextDataPosition = 0;
contextData += getCharFromNumber(contextDataVal);
contextDataVal = 0;
} else {
value >>= 1;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
while (true) {
contextDataVal <<= 1;
if (contextDataPosition === bitsPerChar - 1) {
contextData += getCharFromNumber(contextDataVal);
} else {
return contextData;
static decompress(compressed: string | null): string | null {
if (compressed === null || compressed === "") return null;
return LZString.#decompress(compressed.length, 32768, (index) =>
static #decompress(
length: number,
resetValue: number,
getNextValue: (index: number) => number
): string | null {
const dictionary: (number | string)[] = [];
let enlargeIn = 4;
let dictSize = 4;
let numBits = 3;
let entry = "";
const result = [];
const data = {
val: getNextValue(0),
position: resetValue,
index: 1,
for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
dictionary[i] = i;
let bits = 0;
let maxPower = 2 ** 2;
let power = 1;
let resb: number;
while (power !== maxPower) {
resb = data.val & data.position;
data.position >>= 1;
if (data.position === 0) {
data.position = resetValue;
data.val = getNextValue(data.index++);
bits |= resb > 0 ? power : 0;
power <<= 1;
let c = "";
switch (bits) {
case 0:
bits = 0;
maxPower = 2 ** 8;
power = 1;
while (power !== maxPower) {
resb = data.val & data.position;
data.position >>= 1;
if (data.position === 0) {
data.position = resetValue;
data.val = getNextValue(data.index++);
bits |= (resb > 0 ? 1 : 0) * power;
power <<= 1;
c = String.fromCharCode(bits);
case 1:
bits = 0;
maxPower = 2 ** 16;
power = 1;
while (power != maxPower) {
resb = data.val & data.position;
data.position >>= 1;
if (data.position == 0) {
data.position = resetValue;
data.val = getNextValue(data.index++);
bits |= (resb > 0 ? 1 : 0) * power;
power <<= 1;
c = String.fromCharCode(bits);
case 2:
return "";
dictionary[3] = c;
let w = c;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
while (true) {
if (data.index > length) {
return "";
bits = 0;
maxPower = 2 ** numBits;
power = 1;
while (power !== maxPower) {
resb = data.val & data.position;
data.position >>= 1;
if (data.position === 0) {
data.position = resetValue;
data.val = getNextValue(data.index++);
bits |= resb > 0 ? power : 0;
power <<= 1;
let c2;
switch ((c2 = bits)) {
case 0:
bits = 0;
maxPower = 2 ** 8;
power = 1;
while (power !== maxPower) {
resb = data.val & data.position;
data.position >>= 1;
if (data.position === 0) {
data.position = resetValue;
data.val = getNextValue(data.index++);
bits |= (resb > 0 ? 1 : 0) * power;
power <<= 1;
dictionary[dictSize++] = String.fromCharCode(bits);
c2 = dictSize - 1;
case 1:
bits = 0;
maxPower = 2 ** 16;
power = 1;
while (power !== maxPower) {
resb = data.val & data.position;
data.position >>= 1;
if (data.position === 0) {
data.position = resetValue;
data.val = getNextValue(data.index++);
bits |= (resb > 0 ? 1 : 0) * power;
power <<= 1;
dictionary[dictSize++] = String.fromCharCode(bits);
c2 = dictSize - 1;
case 2:
return result.join("");
if (enlargeIn == 0) {
enlargeIn = Math.pow(2, numBits);
if (dictionary[c2]) {
entry = dictionary[c2] as string;
} else {
if (c2 === dictSize) {
entry = w + w.charAt(0);
} else {
return null;
// Add w+entry[0] to the dictionary.
dictionary[dictSize++] = w + entry.charAt(0);
w = entry;
if (enlargeIn == 0) {
enlargeIn = Math.pow(2, numBits);
window.LZString = LZString;

View file

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
import type { Message, MessageType } from "./Message";
import type { Settings } from "./Settings";
import type { SharkGame } from "./SharkGame";
import { StaticClass } from "./StaticClass";
import type { TabHandler } from "./TabHandler";
import { LZString } from "./LZString";
const __EMPTY_OBJECT = {};
type Version0Save = typeof __EMPTY_OBJECT;
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ type Version1Save = Version0Save & {
type: MessageType;
selectedTab: keyof typeof TabHandler["AllTabs"];
settings: ReturnType<typeof Settings["getCurrent"]>;
settings: Record<`${string};${string}`, unknown>;
type CurrentVersionSave = Version1Save;
@ -40,10 +40,21 @@ export class SaveHandler extends StaticClass {
const selectedTabName = allTabsEntries[selectedTabIndex][0];
const currentSettings = game.Settings.getSaveable();
const saveSettings: CurrentVersionSave["settings"] = {};
for (const [settingId, setting] of Object.entries(currentSettings) as [
keyof typeof currentSettings,
typeof currentSettings[keyof typeof currentSettings]
][]) {
if (setting.current !== setting.default) {
saveSettings[settingId] = setting.current;
const save: CurrentVersionSave = {
version: 1,
selectedTab: selectedTabName,
settings: game.Settings.getCurrent(),
settings: saveSettings,
messages: => {
return {
message: message.message,
@ -51,13 +62,24 @@ export class SaveHandler extends StaticClass {
const encodedSave = JSON.stringify(save);
const stringifiedSave = JSON.stringify(save);
const encodedSave = LZString.compressToBase64(stringifiedSave);
`${new Date(
).toISOString()} - saving ${stringifiedSave} - encoded to ${
Math.round((encodedSave.length / stringifiedSave.length) * 100 * 100) /
}% size`
localStorage.setItem(SaveHandler.saveName, encodedSave);
static async load(game: typeof SharkGame): Promise<unknown> {
const localSave = localStorage.getItem(SaveHandler.saveName);
const localSave = LZString.decompressFromBase64(
const loadedSave = JSON.parse(localSave ?? "{}");
const saveVersion = loadedSave.version ?? 0;

View file

@ -162,12 +162,12 @@ export class Settings extends StaticClass {
static getSettings(): SettingsRecord {
return Object.seal(Object.assign({}, Settings.#settings));
static getCurrent(): Record<`${string};${string}`, Setting> {
static getSaveable(): Record<`${string};${string}`, Setting> {
const current = this.getSettings();
const result: Record<`${string};${string}`, Setting> = {};
for (const [categoryName, category] of Object.entries(current)) {
for (const [settingName, setting] of Object.entries(category)) {
result[`${categoryName};${settingName}`] = setting.current;
result[`${categoryName};${settingName}`] = setting;
return result;